Joanne Harris
Genre: novel
First published: 1998
Pages: 320
Language: English
Rating: 5/5
When an exotic stranger, Vianne Rocher, arrives in the French village of Lansquenet and opens a chocolate boutique directly opposite the church, Father Reynaud identifies her as a serious danger to his flock - especially as it is the beginning of Lent, the traditional season of self-denial. War is declared as the preist denounces the newcomer's wares as the ultimate sin. Vianne's plans for an Easter Chocolate Festival divide the whole community in a conflict that escalates into a "Church not Chocolate" battle.
I started reading this book with really high expectations because I have seen the film adaptation with Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche and I just couldn't help but love it with all my heart. I was hoping that the book would be at least as good as the film. Turns out, the book is even better.
When Vianne Rocher and her six years old daughter Anouk with a great imagination and an imaginary rabbit Pantoufle come to Lansquenet, they immediately disrupt the atmosphere of the village.
I really enjoyed these two ladies. I loved Vienne's character, her kindness, her sense of humour and the level of her sassiness. She's such an amazingly written, strong woman. I also couldn't help but have this really big grin on my face every time Vienne's fierce love for her daughter Anouk was described. Their relationship is the sweetest thing I have ever witnessed. Such a pure and intense feeling that burns in the mother's heart for her little offspring. I'm not gonna lie, it made me very teary-eyed once. (Okay, maybe twice.)
I also enjoyed Roux, the red-haired gypsy. I cannot help but imagine Johnny Depp every time he is mentioned in the book, and maybe this fact makes me a bit more affected. And least but not last, I have to mention lady Armande. Old, witty, lovely lady. She was breaking my heart and I am sure she would break yours as well.
You could say I despise Reynaud. And you're right, I do. His behaviour is terrible (and kind of ridiculous). There is, however, one thing I liked about him. In the book, there is, besides others, one problem - Joséphine Muscat, who left her husband after years of, let's say, abuse. The thing is, Reynaud, due to obvious religious reasons, doesn't want the Muscats to get a divorce. BUT his opinion on Mr Muscat and his behaviour really surprised me. He actually thought he was being idiotic and defended Joséphine. And that made him a little bit better in my eyes (until he managed to fuck up again).
This book made me feel LOTS of things. I can definitely say that Chocolate might be one of my most favourite books of all time. The writing is just beautiful. Flowery descriptions, amazing dialogue and a great plot. I definitely need to pick up another of Joanne's books in the future.
Harris simply makes you want to read another chapter, just like a box of chocolate makes you crave another piece of the sweet delicacy.
I highly recommend this book to all of you.
Takže - knížku jsem si dala do objednávky z buxu...ta se samozřejmě rozrostla nad mé finanční možnosti, takže jsem některé knihy (mezi nimi i Čokoládu) z objednávky odebrala...Po přečtení Tvé recenze ji tam zase přidávám zpět...Panebože já se zblázním a ještě se u toho zruinuju :D
ReplyDeleteKrásná recenze, měj se báječně!
Ono když už tu knihu máš v ruce a čteš ji, tak se i ten bankrot zvládá lépe. :)
DeleteDěkuju a přeju krásný zbytek dne!
Hanička tak má co říkat! :D Na její doporučení jsem vlezla na, hodila do košíku Noční cirkus za 49 korun, pak jsem našla Čokoládu a vzpomněla si na Tebe a... zkrátím to, mám tam knihy za 1 500 a fakt nevím, co vyhodit. Bankrotujem společně!
ReplyDeleteRecenze je opět moc povedená, strašně ráda čtu Tvé texty, máš báječný cit pro výběr slov a také to, že píšeš anglicky, mě baví :) Zkrátka krása :)
Měj se krásně a těším se na další články :)
Nejde tomu odolat, že? :)
DeleteJá ti, jako vždycky, moc děkuju. Opravdu mě takovéhle pozitivní ohlasy hrozně těší a motivují k nějakému dalšímu blogování.
Krásně si užij zbytek dne!
Obálka i celá kniha působí neuvěřitelně roztomile ještě v kombinaci s názvem :D
ReplyDeletePěkná recenze :)
Já jsem z té obálky úplně nadšená. Je vážně taková... sladká. :)
DeleteDěkuju za chválu a přeju krásný večer.