I am reading, but not all the books I read make it to my blog, not all of them are given their own space. I would feel a little bit guilty, though, if I didn't mention them at all, because they all have something about them and they deserve some attention. I was thinking about a decent way to give a shoutout to these without having to make very short posts, so I decided to dedicate one post for all the stories that have been keeping me accompanied through the month. At the end of each month I'll make a post about my reading progress, and add a little review on each book. I'm really excited about this, guys!
In March I've read seven books. Read on and join me in my March reminiscing!
In March I've read seven books. Read on and join me in my March reminiscing!
Dan Brown
Genre: mystery, detective fiction, conspiracy fiction, thriller
First published: 2003
Pages: 590
Language: English
Rating: 5/5
The story of a symbology professor Robert Langdon was so delightful and I fell so in love with it that it has a rightfully earned post for itself. You can read my review which was overall positive. This book deserves all the love in the world, and so does its author. I highly recommend it to everyone who loves art, history, mystery stuff, cliffhangers that make you want read one more chapter before going to bed or just really well-researched and well-written books with great plots.
Guy de Maupassant
Genre: novel
First published: 1887
Pages: 227
Language: Czech
Rating: 4/5
Guys, this book. I know it's supposed to be realistic and naturalistic satire on the 19th century society (in this case, the spa towns) but as the romantic soul that I am, I would have enjoyed the book even if it were just about the romance going on between Christiane and her lover.
The first thing by Maupassant that I happened to read was La Boule de Suif (translated as Fatball or Butterball or Dumpling), I liked it so I wanted to read something else by this author. I don't regret my decision. I simply love the atmosphere of the 19th century, the way people in books from this time express their love to each other and the way they act and talk in overall. And even though I didn't really have a particularly favourite character in this story (since women were, in my oppinion, too over-emotional and were overreacting at times, and men were a bit too self-centered, pretentious and shallow), I still somehow cannot stop myself from enjoying them. The ugly is what makes them them and I love that.
I definitely recommend this book.
The first thing by Maupassant that I happened to read was La Boule de Suif (translated as Fatball or Butterball or Dumpling), I liked it so I wanted to read something else by this author. I don't regret my decision. I simply love the atmosphere of the 19th century, the way people in books from this time express their love to each other and the way they act and talk in overall. And even though I didn't really have a particularly favourite character in this story (since women were, in my oppinion, too over-emotional and were overreacting at times, and men were a bit too self-centered, pretentious and shallow), I still somehow cannot stop myself from enjoying them. The ugly is what makes them them and I love that.
I definitely recommend this book.
Milan Kundera
Genre: a collection of short stories
First published: 1969
Pages: 228
Language: Czech
Rating: 3/5
I originally started reading this book for school. I've wanted to read something by Kundera for quite a while now (not only because he's a Czech author but also because lots of people really praise him) and this seemed like a great opportunity for me. So I went to the library and picked it up.
I have to say, I wasn't sure at first about this book, because I don't usually like short stories in general. But Kundera's ability to put wisdom in such a little amount of text and his writing skill made it really interesting and a nice read for me. It's also easy to read. This book, as mentioned in the title itself, revolves around love, relationships and sex, and it makes you laugh as well as feel sorry for the characters.
Again, I really recommend this book and this author in general, because he and his books are one of the things that make me feel proud of my nationality. I'm a bit afraid that I would have enjoyed it a bit more if I read it in English, though. I'll probably get myself an English copy.
Karel Čapek
Genre: science fiction play
First published: 1920
Pages: 102
Language: Czech
Rating: 3/5
Another book I originally read for school. It's a real Czech classic. I had three problems with this book even before I started reading it. First, this book is a play, and I don't enjoy reading plays. Second, it's a sci-fi, and I don't consider sci-fi being my favourite genre at all. And third, it's written by a Czech author, and I don't like many Czech authors. But once I overcame this prejudice of mine and read the book, I found out that it wasn't bad at all.
I've finished it in two sittings and except for a teeny tiny confusion I was experiencing when lots of characters were in one scene at once, I actually really enjoyed it. The story of Rossum's Universal Robots taking over the world, killing all humans but one to help them create more of their own kind, is really an easy, nice read.
I'll definitely think twice now before making prejdices about Czech authors.
Muriel Spark
Genre: novel
First published: 1984
Pages: 177
Language: English
Rating: 3/5
I was lucky enough to pick the stunning, first, signed edition of this book in a big library sale. I fell in love with the cover immediately and I wouldn't have forgiven myself for not buying this beauty. It had been sitting on my TBR pile for quite a while now, though, and, finally, its time has come.
For the first sixty pages I was seriously considering putting the book down because the story starts off really slow. I felt like it was lagging behind because of all the Book of Job stuff mentioned and talked about. It took me three days to get through the first third of the book. But then something broke inside me and I started enjoying it. Probably just when the police contacts Harvey about his wife being a terrorist, that's when the story finally starts to have a good pace and starts being really enjoyable. I've finished the rest of the book in one sitting.
I consider this a good read (once you get past the beginning, but it's not that bad, don't get me wrong there), and definitely a book gem when it comes to the cover.
Émile Zola
Genre: novel
First published: 1880
Pages: 313
Language: Czech
Rating: 4/5
I feel almost ashamed that I haven't picked up this novel, the absolute classic, way sooner. As a lover of naturalism, I wholeheartedly enjoyed Nana and her story. But the truth is, it took me a bit more time to read it than I'd like to admit. I got into some kind of a reading slump after being about 100 pages in. Once I got out of the slump, though, I couldn't put it down.
Peering into the life of a part-time actress, part-time prostitute living in the 19th century Paris and reading about the characters surrounding her, about what they do, what they gossip about, what they eat, what places they visit that are shown to us with detailed description (without it being boring, though) is exactly the kind of fun I like having on Friday nights. As I mentioned before (see Mont-Oriol), the ugly in people is what makes them really interesting for me, it makes them human, real, and I love real characters.
The recommendation of this book is obvious, right?
Sir Walter Scott
Genre: historical novel
First published: 1819
Pages: 356
Language: Czech
Rating: 5/5
As you can probably tell by now, I am a lover of historical fiction. And I'm probably even greater lover of Scotland, so I started reading this book with high expectations and a huge excitement. You can read all about my journey with this book in its own post!
Well, that's it. I hope the next month, April, will be filled with as many great books as March was for me. And what about you and your March in the matter of books? Share you highlights of the month with me or talk about books you picked up with expectations that the book didn't meet (in the negative way). Did you read any books that had been sitting on your TBR pile for ages? Were there any exciting book releases this month you had been waiting for? Did you add any new books to your TBR pile? Let me know!
Karel Čapek
Genre: science fiction play
First published: 1920
Pages: 102
Language: Czech
Rating: 3/5
Another book I originally read for school. It's a real Czech classic. I had three problems with this book even before I started reading it. First, this book is a play, and I don't enjoy reading plays. Second, it's a sci-fi, and I don't consider sci-fi being my favourite genre at all. And third, it's written by a Czech author, and I don't like many Czech authors. But once I overcame this prejudice of mine and read the book, I found out that it wasn't bad at all.
I've finished it in two sittings and except for a teeny tiny confusion I was experiencing when lots of characters were in one scene at once, I actually really enjoyed it. The story of Rossum's Universal Robots taking over the world, killing all humans but one to help them create more of their own kind, is really an easy, nice read.
I'll definitely think twice now before making prejdices about Czech authors.
Muriel Spark
Genre: novel
First published: 1984
Pages: 177
Language: English
Rating: 3/5
I was lucky enough to pick the stunning, first, signed edition of this book in a big library sale. I fell in love with the cover immediately and I wouldn't have forgiven myself for not buying this beauty. It had been sitting on my TBR pile for quite a while now, though, and, finally, its time has come.
For the first sixty pages I was seriously considering putting the book down because the story starts off really slow. I felt like it was lagging behind because of all the Book of Job stuff mentioned and talked about. It took me three days to get through the first third of the book. But then something broke inside me and I started enjoying it. Probably just when the police contacts Harvey about his wife being a terrorist, that's when the story finally starts to have a good pace and starts being really enjoyable. I've finished the rest of the book in one sitting.
I consider this a good read (once you get past the beginning, but it's not that bad, don't get me wrong there), and definitely a book gem when it comes to the cover.
Émile Zola
Genre: novel
First published: 1880
Pages: 313
Language: Czech
Rating: 4/5
I feel almost ashamed that I haven't picked up this novel, the absolute classic, way sooner. As a lover of naturalism, I wholeheartedly enjoyed Nana and her story. But the truth is, it took me a bit more time to read it than I'd like to admit. I got into some kind of a reading slump after being about 100 pages in. Once I got out of the slump, though, I couldn't put it down.
Peering into the life of a part-time actress, part-time prostitute living in the 19th century Paris and reading about the characters surrounding her, about what they do, what they gossip about, what they eat, what places they visit that are shown to us with detailed description (without it being boring, though) is exactly the kind of fun I like having on Friday nights. As I mentioned before (see Mont-Oriol), the ugly in people is what makes them really interesting for me, it makes them human, real, and I love real characters.
The recommendation of this book is obvious, right?
Sir Walter Scott
Genre: historical novel
First published: 1819
Pages: 356
Language: Czech
Rating: 5/5
As you can probably tell by now, I am a lover of historical fiction. And I'm probably even greater lover of Scotland, so I started reading this book with high expectations and a huge excitement. You can read all about my journey with this book in its own post!
Well, that's it. I hope the next month, April, will be filled with as many great books as March was for me. And what about you and your March in the matter of books? Share you highlights of the month with me or talk about books you picked up with expectations that the book didn't meet (in the negative way). Did you read any books that had been sitting on your TBR pile for ages? Were there any exciting book releases this month you had been waiting for? Did you add any new books to your TBR pile? Let me know!
Znovu úžasný článek, já mám tyhle sumarizační záležitosti zkrátka hodně ráda! Líbí se mi Tvůj výběr a nutí mě k zamyšlení, že bych měla dávat víc prostoru klasikám. Od střední je prakticky moc nečtu - zkusím to napravit. Třeba taková Nana je na mé poličce už x let. R.U.R a celkově Čapka miluju, Kunderu naopak nemusím. Na Maupassanta už se taky chystám delší dobu. Ajaj, je toho zkrátka moc. Jdu číst...
ReplyDeleteTak se měj krásně! :D :)
Děkuju, děkuju, děkuju! Já právě tyhle typy článků taky neskutečně zbožňuju, je to takové hrozně pěkné, počíst si, jak si kdo celý měsíc se čtením vedl.
DeleteKlasiky jsou bezva, i když moje skóre přečtených klasik taky není nijak závratné (a už se několik měsíců snažím dokopat k přečtení i něčeho jiného než je Pýcha a předsudek nebo Větrná hůrka od mých oblíbenkyň), vůbec si nepřej znát ten kilometrový seznam knih, které jsou pro mě "must read" a na které NEMÁM ČAS, protože život gymnazisty je občas náročný.
Co se týče Čapka, tak jo, R.U.R. bylo fajn, ale že bych se zrovna nějak extra cítila třeba na Bílou nemoc, Věc Makropulos nebo Matku, to úplně říct nemůžu. (A Maupassanta rozhodně doporučuju, protože jak Kulička tak Mont-Oriol jsou geniální.)
Užívej si čtení a krásný zbytek dne. :)
Já mám ráda dramata, ale chápu, že pro člověka, který je nemusí, to asi úplně nebude ta správná volba. Když budeš mít náladu, tak zkus třeba i jeho povídky. Není to sice něco, co by utkvělo v hlavě na příliš dlouho, ale na odreagování je to super. Já osobně mám ale z jeho děl (asi jako jediná) nejradši Válku s mloky. To je podle mě fakt veledílo!
DeleteJá mám teď na vejšce času habaděj, ale určitě bych ho měla využít jinak, než to dělám :D
Válku s mloky jsem taky ani neměla v prackách, jsem úplně hrozná, když přijde na českou literaturu. Já jí prostě nějak nemůžu úplně přijít na chuť.
DeleteJé, já bych si to s tebou kliďánko vyměnila, ten čas. :D
Da Vinciho kód je božská kniha. Naproti tomu takového Čapka nemůžu ani cítit, nevím proč, dávala jsem mu šanci a několikrát a vždy mě zklamal... Nepřišla jsem mu zatím na chuť, tak doufám, že to časem zlomím. A krásná bilance - sedm knih, to je paráda!! :)) Pěkný večer :)
ReplyDeleteNaprosto božská, já Browna mám prostě ráda. Už jsem natěšená na další jeho knihy!
DeleteJá ty české autory prostě celkově nemusím, ale zrovna R.U.R. nebylo tak špatné. Možná mi to tak přišlo proto, že jsem měla strašně malá očekávání a "mile" mě to překvapilo.
A děkuju. Věř ale tomu, že sedm je to jen proto, že dvě z těch sedmi byly okolo 100 stran a další dvě kolem dvou set. Ale na počtu nezáleží, číst se má pro zábavu a ne pro nahánění nějakého počtu přečtených knih (i když teda občas vůbec nejsem schopná vstřebat, jak jsou lidé schopni přečíst třeba třináct, patnáct knih).
Pěkný večer i tobě!