It has been only a few weeks since I presented you my book haul from England—which was by no means a small one—and here I am again, boasting with yet another additions to my shelf! (That's very un-Hufflepuff-ish from me!)
Before I left for England, I had purchased two books from this amazing site, and they just arrived. Ladies and gentleman, let me present to you my two new babies! (They're the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth book I bought this year, if any of you were interested.)
First, let's have a look at one of the prettiest books I've ever seen. Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. This coming-of-age story of two teenage boys who have apparently nothing in common but end up falling in love had been on my to be bought list for months, and I'm glad that I finally bought it. I've actually purchased this book this soon mainly because of a Travelling Book Project I'm organising, but I was dying to own it anyway. I cannot wait to read it. All the positive reviews make me so excited to start the book, so I hope it won't disappoint me!
The second book I, quite impulsively, bought is November 9 by Colleen Hoover. This book was recommended to me by my friend who was kind (or cruel, for that matter) enough to let me read the first few chapters of this book. And man, those were chapters indeed. I wanted to read more, but I wanted to immediately have my own copy so I could highlight and write in it, because let me tell you, Ben is probably the best male-character I've ever had the pleasure of reading about. (After my beloved Jamie, of course.) He's one of the reasons my expectations are too high, and the reason I'll probably die alone with 72 cats that will eat my body when I'm dead. I cannot wait for this book to destroy me, and leave me shattered to million pieces.
What about you, guys? Have you read any of these two books? What are your opinions? I'm really interested in hearing your thoughts on the books! If you spoil them to me, though, I'm gonna cry. And then I'm gonna cut your heads off and let my two chihuahuas eat your brains. :)
Bože, ty mě vždycky skrz pár řádek tak hrozně pobavíš! Už jen to oslovení - lil beans :D Díky ti za zkrášlení všech dní, kdy něco napíšeš!
ReplyDeleteObě knihy znám, ale žádnou jsem nečetla, počkám si na tvé názory, a pak uvidíme :)
Měj se krásně, Kačí (a klidně přispívej častěji, v tomhle období potřebuji obzvlášť nějaké úsměvné momenty :D)
Jé, ty mi fakt vždycky tím komentářem uděláš takovou radost! :D A mně přijde lil beans strašně rozkošné, mimochodem.
DeleteJá doufám, že mě nezklamou (rozhodně to minimálně předpokládám), tak uvidíme.
Taky se měj krásně a já slibuju, že se pokusím!
Jeden přírůstek krásnější než druhý (zvlášť zvědavá jsem na dojmy z November 9) a jak píše Hanka, opět skvěle sepsáno. Zbožňuju Tvůj styl a taky bych se nezlobila, kdybych od Tebe mohla číst ještě víc článků. Měj se krásně Káťo! :)
ReplyDeleteDěkuju, Kristýnko! (Já se pokusím přispívat častěji, ale jsem prostě děsná lemra a vždycky se k tomu nějak "zapomenu" dostat, znáš to.)
DeleteKrásný zbytek dne přeju!