Honey, I'm home!
I've just come back from my week long Harry Potter themed trip to England. I have to say, a week is such a short time for trips to England. I want to go back, and at least for several months this time!
And what did I buy in England? Apart from food and a few pieces of clothing in Primark, I, as the bookworm that I am, bought a few new friends for my books at home. Let's have a look at them!
This, my dear friends, is the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, where I spent a large amount of time on Monday. It's absolutely stunning, and most definitely one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to. The interior is seriously stunning, and walking the halls and rooms, I was left speechless.
Apart from that, though, they have a shop. And in this shop, you can buy Brighton themed souveniers and you can buy books there. And that's exactly what I did because I'm a terrible human.
But we're not even halfway through!
Next, we visited Christ Church in Oxford. I loved Oxford, and I loved the Christ Church College, and I just loved the whole time spent there. And I also loved the souvenier shop! There was a section specifically dedicated for Alice in Wonderland! It was so cute. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the building and I didn't want to leave.
And so I bought a few things to always remember my visit to this beautiful place. And what did I buy?
BUT. That's not all.
This, my dear readers, is the death of me in one picture.
It's the Waterstone's bookshop where I had spent about an hour of my time and from where I never wanted to go.
I was tempted to buy every single book there was. (I pretty much did.)
If you counted properly, you can see that I bought 20 new books. I'm an awful human but I couldn't help myself.
Apart from that, though, they have a shop. And in this shop, you can buy Brighton themed souveniers and you can buy books there. And that's exactly what I did because I'm a terrible human.
As you can see, they're all amazing. The thing is, I only spent about £20, because they were all under £5 and they were 2+1 free. I'm sorry but I had to buy six. I just had to.
Three of the books are written by my favourite (favourite) woman in the universe—the amazing Jane Austen. Then there are Wuthering Heights which I read, loved but didn't own. And Great Expectations and Far from the Madding Crowd were just shouting at me to buy them. I couldn't have said no, see?
Next, we visited Christ Church in Oxford. I loved Oxford, and I loved the Christ Church College, and I just loved the whole time spent there. And I also loved the souvenier shop! There was a section specifically dedicated for Alice in Wonderland! It was so cute. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the building and I didn't want to leave.
And so I bought a few things to always remember my visit to this beautiful place. And what did I buy?
Yes. All of the Harry Potter books. (I'm sure Hanička is now proud of me, aren't you??) I don't regret anything about this £60 purchase. It was worth every penny. And it was also worth looking at the faces of my teachers and school-mates when they saw me carrying a huge bag full of books. By that time they thought I needed pills.
But, I mean, do you see the covers? I'm in love. I fell in love immediately when I saw the books and I hadn't been able to fall out since. I was unable to resist.
BUT. That's not all.
This, my dear readers, is the death of me in one picture.
It's the Waterstone's bookshop where I had spent about an hour of my time and from where I never wanted to go.
I was tempted to buy every single book there was. (I pretty much did.)
This is what I came out with. Again, I regret nothing. (Well, maybe there's one thing. I wanted to buy the Raven cycle, but they only had the 1st and 4th book in the series, so I decided against it and bought Six of Crows instead.)
As you can see, I bought the classic—my favourite Francis Scott Fitzgerald and his short stories. I'm very excted to read them. Then there's my favourite Chocolat, which I finally can call my own. Then we have my love Dan Brown and his Angels & Demons here, Me Before You or All the Light We Cannot See. I'm very happy about all of these and I cannot wait to read them.
If you counted properly, you can see that I bought 20 new books. I'm an awful human but I couldn't help myself.
I finally have a TBR pile.
Káťo, vítej zpět! :) Slintám tu nad Tvými úlovky, krása střídá krásu a hlavně ten Harry Potter <3 Koupi série v angličtině dlouho plánuji, rozhoduji se jen nad obálkami a tyhle jsou tedy vážně naprosto famózní! Těším se na nové články a recenze a doufám, že sis výlet užila jak nejlépe šlo - ale stejně jsem ráda, že jsi zpět :) Hezký pátek a povedený víkend! :)
ReplyDeleteDěkuju za moc milý komentář, Týnko!
DeleteTaky jsem ráda, že jsem doma. Výlet to totiž byl vyčerpávající a ta cesta autobusem mě málem zabila. Ale hned příští týden bych jela znovu! Bylo báječně a já jsem si to strašně užila. (Ach, kdybys viděla mou face, když jsme chodili po Warner Brothers Studios. Tam odtud jsem nechtěla pryč. A dala jsem si tam obrovskou kávu, ze které jsem úplně cítila, jak se mi roztahují cévy, na hrudi takové jemné šimrání naznačující příchod infarktu, a pocit, že omdlím. Bylo to fakt skvělé. :D )
Ještě jednou děkuju za komentář a přeju krásný víkend.
No prostě nádhera!!! Samozřejmě, že jsem pyšná!! :D Navíc, tato vydání jsou tak nádherná, že už asi dva roky přemýšlím, že si je pořídím a přečtu si HP znovu v angličtině, taková jsem já :D I ostatní přírůstky jsou úžasné -Austen, Dickens, Fitzgerald...moji oblíbení. Moc se těším taky na tvé dojmy z Doerra! No vlastně na všechny dojmy!
ReplyDeleteMěj se úžasně a užij si všechny ty parádní nové kousky :)
Aaa! Já jsem z těch HP obálek fakt naprosto unešená. Nikdy jsem takhle pěkné nikde neviděla, takže jsem je jednoduše musela mít!
DeleteA tobě řeknu jedno - jdi do toho a kup si ta anglická vydání! (Takováhle jsem zase já. Každého podporuju v utrácení za knihy. Třeba spolužačku jsem v Anglii rozhoupala k tomu, aby si koupila krásný box s dodatkovými knihami k Harrymu -Beedle the Bard, Fantastic Beasts & Quidditch Through the Ages.)
Já se fakt už na všechny ty knížky hrozně těším. Nejradši bych je všechny už měla přečtené. (Zrovna dočítám Fitzgeralda, mimochodem.)
Krásný zbytek víkendu přeju, a děkuju za milý komentář! :)