Emily Murdoch
Genre: YA
First published: 2013
Pages: 314
Language: English
Type: paperback
Rating: 3/5
In this book, we meet Carey, a fourteen-year-old who had spent a huge amount of her short life living in the woods with her drug addict of a mother. She also had to take care of her little sister for six years, from feeding her to teaching her clock and reading.
Their lives completely change when two strangers arrive at the place they call home and take them away. One of them turns out to be Carey's father, who, as Carey's mother claims, had beaten both her and the little Carey, which ended in the drug-addict bipolar mother taking her daughter away. The girls find themselves in a house with real beds, real food and, most importantly, real family, consiting of Carey's father, his wife and her daughter Delaney.
Another absolutely great thing are the characters. They're real. Like, real real. Their actions are in a way apt (according to the circumstances) and — even though I'm absolutely not justifying their actions — understandable. There's, for example, Delaney, who at first despises Carey for coming into her life, but is, in fact, a really nice girl who just basically feels like she comes second after her new stepsister — and, undestandably, doesn't like it. In overall, the few characters that appear in the book are well thought through, even though some of them would maybe deserve a bit more of page-time. It's the same like with the woods scenes. The book was kind of too short.
Now, you may be wondering: 'If she praises the book so much, why did she only give it four stars?'
The answer is pretty simple. (I actually considered giving the book three stars, but then I changed my mind.) I had a few issues with it. One of them being the writing style I couldn't somehow click with, even though there wasn't anything remotely bad with it. We just all have writing styles that don't fit us perfectly, and this was the case for me.
The second thing is, Murdoch somehow managed to confuse me at the beginning about the girls' ages and parents. All I could think of for the first seventy pages — which absolutely distracted me from what I was reading — was 'who the hell is Nessa's father?' because Emily made it clear there were a few years between Carey leaving her father and Nessa being born, but then Carey said something about the three of them sharing DNA, and maybe I'm just not as bright, but it actually did confuse me and I had to read the actual line confirming my theory before I believed it was true. There's a difference between giving readers space for deducation based on facts they're presented and confusing them by not telling them things straight away. (Wow, I sound really bitter, don't I? I'm not, I liked the book, really.)
So. I recommend this book to all of you. It's a really nice read full of wise words, pretty words and much, much more. Have any of you read this book? Are you planning on reading it? What are your thoughts on it? Share them with me in the comments!
Kačí, tak zase po strašně dlouhé době se dostávám k tvému blogu a upřímně, moc se mi stýskalo. Já tak strašně moc miluju způsob, jakým píšeš :) Ve svých recenzích dokážeš vždycky perfektně vyzdvihnout negativa i pozitiva a ještě u toho být zatraceně vtipná :) Tvoje slovní obraty mě zatraceně baví! :)
ReplyDeleteKniha jako taková mě taky moc a moc zaujala, naprosto chápu tvé "rozhořčení" nad tím, že by mohla být delší a autorka mohla věnovat větší péči celému rozvoji jak postav, tak příběhu, taky se mi to občas stává. Naposled třeba u Literárního spolku Laury Sněžné či právě u Grownupu Gillian Flynnové.
Zapisuji knihu na svůj TBR a mockrát ti děkuju za tak skvělý zážitek, jaký vždycky mám, když čtu tvé řádky :)
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Haničko, jak já miluju ty tvoje děsně pozitivně nabité komentáře! Děkuju. :) Taky se mi po tvých článcích/komentářích vždycky děsně stýská a dělá mi hroznou radost, když vidím, že je od tebe nějaký nový příspěvek.
DeleteKnížku vážně doporučuju a budu moc ráda, když si jí přečteš a podělíš se o dojmy. Měj se nádherně a ještě jednou děkuju. :)